We are officially in countdown mode!!!
19 more days until we get to meet Baby Boy!!
*Unless he decides to come early or they have to move my induction date back a day. Let's hope he decides to come just a bit earlier. :)*
I had my Dr. appt yesterday and I am dilated to 1cm and 30% effaced.
It's nice to know my body is making progress a bit earlier than it did with my other 2. It gives me hope that I will get to meet this little one sooner rather than later.
We are OFFICIALLY ready for baby in every possible way.
It is weird the things that get you excited/make you nervous the 3rd time around.
Buying diapers for example...I put it off until last night because in my mind that meant that he could be here any time. That was the biggest thing I would need for him when we came home.
All of his clothes are washed and mostly put away.
The bassinet is set up next to our bed.
The car seat is all washed and ready to be installed in the car.
I guess there is one thing that I could add to my to-do list...but my nesting period didn't last quite as long as I would have liked. A nice deep clean of the house wouldn't be a bad idea. We have only lived her for a month though, so just making sure all of my laundry is done and keeping everything else clean will have to be my goal for the next few weeks.
Brookie & Lily are probably just as anxious as I am to meet their baby brother. I think Daddy is just as excited too, but more nervous as to the lack of sleep he will be enduring. He doesn't do so well on little to no sleep. :)